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Vipers Complete Druhzba Power Skating & Condition Camp

Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 4:00AM

On July 14-18th, the Greater Boston Vipers participated in our 1st Annual "Cultural Exchange" powerskating and conditioning camp run by world re-known Ivan Pravilov founder and President of Druzhba 78 Hockey School.Ivan's very unique training methods consisted of three hours of on-ice intense training specializing in edgework, explosive stride and continuous focus on balance and agility. The players were challenged daily with many unique Ukrainian training methods and pushed to expand outside their comfort zone on a continuous basis. In addition, the Greater Boston Vipers parents graciously opened up the doors to their homes and hosted 12 Ukrainian players throughout the week long camp. This experience certainly was an opportunity for us as to learn to appreciate the little things in life as many of us learned very quickly through the Ukrainian children how fortunate we really are to live in America. A sincere CONGRATULATIONS to all whom participated as the Greater Boston Vipers were able to donate $3,000.00 to the Ukrainian Children's fund to help continue this great opportunity for them to come to the U.S and identify opportunities to better their lives through academics and education. 


Greater Boston Vipers Participants:

Cameron Balboni, Andrew Somerville, Brendan Regan, Michael Holmes, Shane O'Halloran, Brendan O'Brien, Patrick Gill, Bobby Keane, Nick Ulanday, Zachary Boudreau, John Levasuer, Connor Tedesco, Will Lehrer, Spencer Lehrer, Alejandro Wheeler, Ryan Noonan, Nick Dibella, Anthony Giuliano, Brian Hanson, Max Ginsberg, Ben Ginsberg, Henry, Cormier, Graham Doherty, Devin Driscoll, Instructors: Ivan Pravilov, Scot Somerville