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'07A Toys for Tots Drive Lights the Lamp!!

Monday, December 7, 2015, 8:33PM

The 07A Vipers created a festive

atmosphere with holiday music, hot

cocoa, snacks, family and friends and

scored a huge goal at the Massachusetts

State Police "FILL THE CRUISER" event

held at the Woburn Toys R Us on

Saturday, December 5th. Each player

was asked to solicit at least 5 toys for

children less fortunate than them. The

team came up big and donated well over

100 toys!! They also encouraged others

entering the store to do the same with

tremendous success. The Mass State

Police recognized the 07's efforts with

postings on their Facebook page and the

Tweet pictured above.

"The Coaching staff was extremely proud

of the team's commitment to and follow

through on the event," said Coach

Cush. "The compliments from the

Marines and the Troopers about their

generosity and their polite and respectful

behavior was testament to the players’,

their parents’ and the Viper organization’s

commitment to being good citizens who

care about their community.”