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98Vipers Big League Win Over Nashua Panthers, 4-1

Sunday, November 2, 2008, 4:00AM
In a very big game and the teams 3rd game in 24 hours the Vipers came out and played inspired hockey for 45 minutes and posted a strong 4-1 win over the Nashua Panthers. The Viper defense of Matt Tauro, Patrick McCarthy, Aaron Dollin, Christian Kukas and Jack Moretti pictched in with a solid effort in front of Aaron McDonell who contuned his fine play over the weekend. Dante Maribito (2-0-2) and Kyle Lynch (1-1-2) led the Viper offense, Brendan White also added a goal to go along with a solid effort, not hitting the scoresheet but playing a solid 3 zone game was Robbie Murphy. Kyle Hentosh, Aaron Dollin and Heath King all added assists. Ryan Connearney played another strong game up front filling in for the injured JT Chamberlain. The Vipers moved into a fourth place tie with the Springfield Flacons