This holiday season the 06 AAA Viper team will be sending care packages to Soldiers who are deployed overseas. Our hope is that each player will ask family, friends and neighbors to donate a total of 5-10 of the items on the attached list. We will also be sending pictures and cards made by the players along with a team picture.
Please have all donations into Trish or Mike by December 10th. You can bring donations to any practice or game starting Saturday, November 28th.
A few Soldiers will tentatively pick up our donation at the Family Skate on December 12th. If we do not end up having the family skate, the Soldiers will come to one of our games to pick up the packages.
Coach Sully will explain all of this to the boys on Wednesday (11/25) at practice. He will also hand out envelopes with the donation requests and paper for the boys to draw “Thank You†cards or posters to the Troops. Thanksgiving is a great time for the boys to talk to family and friends about donating to this special cause.
Please hand the pictures/cards to Trish by December 10th as well!
Contact Trish with any questions!