The Vipers are pleased to announce John Garron as the 2013-GOLD Coach for the 2023-24 season.
John grew up in Everett, MA and started playing hockey at age 5 for the town youth hockey program. John has a USA Hockey Level 1 Coaching Certification with current training ages up to U10. As a coach, John focuses on skill development, team work, respect, and having fun. John's goal is to develop his players so they are ready for the next level of hockey. John and his wife Lauren, live in Winthrop, MA with their son John (age 9) and daughter Marli (age 5). John works for Dell Technologies as an Account Executive managing an account set in the Boston area.
- 2013 Vipers, Coach, 2023-Present
- Winthrop Youth Hockey, Squirt AAA Coach, 2022-23
- 2013 Icemen, Mite Coach, 2021-22
- Greater Boston Youth Roller Hockey League, Coach, U8 Team, 2021-2022
- Providence College
- Everett High School