U16 SULLIVAN - TIER 1: News |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 8:09PM
The Greater Boston Vipers U16 Elite team recently traveled North to partake in the annual “Iron Man ” camping training camp!
This camp is designed to incorporate all of our off season exercises into one final weekend with many individual, team and small group competitions.
The primary goal is emphasize the importance of proper planning, physical and mental preparation, sacrifice, commitment with the final initiative for us to become a “Unified Hockey Team!”.
Weekend Activities: (Results)
- Max Out Pushups: 1st Place Lovell -101 / 2nd Place Somerville - 80 / 3rd Place- Fantasia - 70
- Sit Ups (6 Minutes Max): 1st Place Somerville - 404 / 2nd Place Petrie - 297 / 3rd Place-Guttadaro - 204
- Squats (6 Minute Max): 1st Place – Lovell – 400 / 2nd Place – McPherson – 371 / 3rd Place – McDonald 360
- Basketball Tournament : Champions Team Fantasia, Guardia, Kelly (Senior Elite Team DEMANDS rematch)
- 6 Mile Run (Top 5): McPherson, Lovell, Petrie, Kelly, Somerville
- Lake Swim (500 Yard): Coach Rick “Phelps” Guardia, McPherson, Mason, McDonald, Somerville
- Other Activities: Donkey Cinderblock Walk 50 Yard Dash, 50 Yard Bridge Challenge - “Everyone Is A Winner”
Team Pyramid Of Success: (Team Breakouts / Debate / Presentations)
- This exercise truly exemplifies the capabilities of this age level as the group presentations and interactive dialogue/debate was amazing!
- Breakout sessions covered Season 2012: (Team Rules, Code Of Ethics, Ice Time Special Teams, Personal/Team Goals, Mission Statement)
“It’s More Than Just A Game… It’s about building the fundamental skill sets to succeed in Life”… GBV Coaching Staff