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06AAA Support Our Soldiers

Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 4:21PM

Part of the the Greater Boston Vipers hockey program includes having the players get involved in a charity event. This year, the 06AAA team chose to collect donations for soldiers based on a list provided by . Team manager, Trish Murphy, did an unbelievable job organizing and scheduling the event. After asking family, friends and neighbors to contribute, the players gathered an incredible amount of supplies and would present them after their game on Saturday 12/12/15. There was one special request from a soldier in Saudi Arabia working with disabled children, doing equestrian therapy. Small toys was the request and the team did not disappoint. Two boxes of them will be going to this cause. Speaking of boxes, a special thank you went out to Saugus Military Families for supplying them and shipping the goods to the Middle East. Inside each of the 25 boxes went a personal note from players and friends with well wishes and tons of questions asking about military life. To make the event even more special, two soldiers, Lance Corporal First Class Nicholas Russo of the United States Marines and Petty Officer Second Class Sergio Palacios of the United States Navy visited the rink to collect the donations. They not only witnessed a strong showing by the team against the Providence Junior Friars but enjoyed a family skate after the game. The team was very thankful to the both of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to help with such a great cause. With the win over Providence and an awesome collection of supplies heading to our soldiers, the team, family and friends could not have asked for a better day!